Player Component Method

Get Player instance

Get player instance through Event instance

Requires Event instance

Return Player instance

Get Player name by Player instance

Get player instance by player name

Requires String

Return Player instance

Get Enchantment Event by Player instance

Get player instance through enchantment event, can only be used in Enchantment event

Requires Event instance

Return Player instance

Get current Health of Player by Player instance

Can obtain the current health of the player

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Set current Health of player

Can set the current health of the player

Requires Player instance, Number

Get Player Name

Can get the name of the player

Requires Player instance

Return String

Check if Player Has Permission

Can determine if the player has the permission by the returned boolean value, useful for distinguishing between administrators and regular players

Requires Player instance, String

Return Boolean

Set Player Fly Mode

Set the fly mode for the player

Requires Player instance, Boolean

Send Title to Player

Can write the title to be displayed to the player, 20 Ticks = 1 second

Requires three texts

Reset Title

Clears the current title of the player

Requires Player instance

Get Player Location instance

Get the player's Location instance for subsequent operations

Requires Player instance

Return Location instance

Set Player Spawn

Set the player's spawn point with the coordinates provided by the Location instance

Requires Player instance, Location instance

Get Player UUID

Obtain the player's UUID through the Player instance

Requires Player instance

Return String

Get Player Max Health

Get the player's maximum health through the Player instance, default is 20

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Get Player Level

Get the player's level through the Player instance

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Set Player Level

Set the player's level

Requires Player instance, Number

Get Player Fly Speed

Get the player's fly speed through the Player instance

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Get Player Ping

Get the player's current latency

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Get Player Satiety Degree

Get the player's current hunger level

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Set Player Satiety Degree

Set the player's hunger level

Requires Player instance, Number

Check if Player can Fly

Determine if the player can fly, can be used for checks

Requires Player instance

Return Boolean

Get Player Bed

Get the position of the player's bed. Note: there may be issues or errors if the player does not have a bed!

Requires Player instance

Return location instance

Get Player Attack cooling

Get the player's attack cooldown. Note: this can only be used with the Combat System Update (1.9) or higher!

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Check if Player is OP

Check if the player is an OP player. The returned boolean value can be used for judgments.

Requires Player instance

Return Boolean

Teleport Player to a Location instance

Teleport the player to the position provided by the location instance

Requires Player instance, location instance

Set Player Max Health

Set the player's maximum health, default is 20

Requires Player instance, Number

Get Player Name in TAB

Get the name displayed when other players press the TAB key

Requires Player instance

Return String

Set Player Name in TAB

Set the name displayed in the list when other players press the TAB key

Requires Player instance, String

Set Player Weather

Set the weather visible to the player, which may differ from the world weather. For weather types, see Weather Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance, String

Set Player Time

Set the player's time, where 20 ticks = 1 second

Requires Player instance, Number

Set Player Relative Time

If relative time is true, the player's time will vary with the world time while maintaining an offset; otherwise, the client's time remains fixed.

Note: If relative time is true, the value of time represents the difference between the client's time and the world time. If false, time represents an absolute value.

Requires Player instance, String, Boolean

Reset Player Time

Restore the player's time to the default value, synchronizing with world time

Requires Player instance

Get Player Walk Speed

Get the current walking speed of the player

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Set Player Walk Speed

Set the current walking speed of the player

Requires Player instance, Number

Set whether players are allowed to pick up items

Set whether the player is allowed to pick up items; false allows picking up, true prohibits*

Requires Player instance, Boolean

Close the player backpack window

If the player is in the backpack or chest interface, it will close and return to the game

Requires Player instance

Generate particles

Generate a corresponding number of particles at the specified location. For particle types, see Particle Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance, String, three coordinate numbers, Number

Generate particles

Generate a corresponding number of particles at the position provided by the location instance. For particle types, see Particle Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance, String, location instance, Number

Set TAB Content (3)

You can set the content for the upper and lower rows in the TAB list using the first two methods, or set both at once with the third method, depending on your design

Requires Player instance, n texts

Kick Player

Kick a player from the server

Requires Player instance, String

Set up damage absorption

Set the damage absorbed by the player

Requires Player instance, Number

Check if it is visible

Check if other players can see this player (invisibility), can be used for judgment

Requires Player instance

Return Boolean

Check if it is in the water

Check if the player is in water at the moment, can be used for judgment

Requires Player instance

Return Boolean

Play sound for players

Play a sound effect for the player. For sound types, see Sound Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance, String, 2 numbers

Get game mode

Get the player's current game mode. For game mode types, see Game Mode Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance

Return String

Set Game Mode

Set the player's current game mode. For game mode types, see Game Mode Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance, String

Adding Potion Effect

Add the corresponding potion effect to the player. For potion effect types, see Potion Effect Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance, String, 2 numbers

Set highlighted players

Whether to make the player glow; true for glowing, false for not glowing

Requires Player instance, Boolean

Provide players with experience

Give the player the corresponding experience

Requires Player instance, Number

Give players a level

Give the player the corresponding level

Requires Player instance, Number

Set the target pointed by the player's compass

Can set the position pointed to by the player's compass

Requires Player instance, location instance

Set player display and hide

When the boolean is true, all players will skip the night without waiting for the renamed player to sleep; false is the opposite

Requires Player instance, Boolean

Determine whether the player is ignoring sleep

Determine if this player needs to sleep to skip the night; true means yes, false means no

Requires Player instance

Return Boolean

Check if the player is currently sleeping

Determine if the player is currently sleeping; true means yes, false means no

Requires Player instance

Return Boolean

Set Player's Total Experience

Set the player's total experience points; note, this sets rather than adds

Requires Player instance, Number

Get Player's Total Experience

Retrieve the player's total experience points

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Give Player Items

Give the player a specified quantity of a specified item. For item types, see Item Typesopen in new window

Requires Player instance, String, Number*

Set/Cancel Player Glow for Specific Player

Set or cancel glow for a player visible only to a specific player; requires ProtocolLib dependency

Requires 2 player instances

Set Player's Vector

Set the player's instantaneous vector, applying a directional force similar to a jump pad effect

Requires Player instance, 3 numbers

Teleport Player to Another Subserver

Teleport the player to another subserver; note, requires BungeeCord connection

Requires Player instance, String

Give Player Money

Give the player a certain amount of money; requires Vault dependency

Requires Player instance, Number

Take Money from Player

Remove a certain amount of money from the player; requires Vault dependency

Requires Player instance, Number

Get Player's Money Amount

Retrieve the player's total money

Requires Player instance

Return Number

Check if Player Has Sufficient Money

Check if the player has sufficient money; can be used for validation

Requires Player instance, Number

Return Boolean

Get the Killer of Player

Get the player who killed this player; available in Player Death event

Requires Player instance

Return Player instance

Set Player ActionBar

Set the player's ActionBar; to display it permanently, you may need to use a loop

Requires Player instance, String

Get Item in Player's Hand

Get the item the player is holding, returning the corresponding text; for item types, see Item Typesopen in new window*

Requires Player instance

Return String

Get Player Display Name

Retrieve the display name of the Player instance

Requires Player instance

Return String

Set Player Display Name

Set the display name of the player

Requires Player instance, String

Get Player Triggering this PAPI Placeholder

Get the player triggering this PAPI placeholder. Note: Can only be used in PAPI methods, otherwise an error will occur!

Return Player instance

Last Updated:
Contributors: SensenPlayer, TongHui