Logic Component Method

If, Then, Else

You can write the condition to be evaluated in If. If true, it proceeds to run Then; if false, it runs Else.

Requires Boolean

Repeat Action a Number of Times

Will loop through and execute the actions in Do Something a specified number of times. You can write the required number of repetitions in Number.

Requires Number

Continue Action While Condition is Met

Continuously performs the actions in Do Something as long as the specified condition is met.

Requires Boolean

One-Time Timer

Executes an action after a delay of a specified number of Ticks (20 Ticks = 1 second).

Requires Number

Repeating Timer

After a delay of the specified number of Ticks, it loops the action, with the interval specified in Interval Ticks (20 Ticks = 1 second).

Requires two Number

Last Updated:
Contributors: SensenPlayer, TongHui