Team Component Method

Create a Team on the Main Server Scoreboard

Create a team on the global scoreboard

Requires String

Create a Team on a Specified Scoreboard

Create a team on the specified scoreboard; it will be removed when the player exits the server

Requires Scoreboard instance, String

Get a Team on the Main Server Scoreboard

Retrieve a team from the global scoreboard

Requires String

Return Team instance

Get a Team on a Specified Scoreboard

Retrieve a team from the specified scoreboard

Requires Scoreboard instance, String

Return Team instance

Get a Player's Team on the Main Server Scoreboard

Retrieve the team of a player from the global scoreboard

Requires Player instance

Return Team instance

Get a Player's Team on a Specified Scoreboard

Retrieve the team of a player on a specified scoreboard

Requires Scoreboard instance, Player instance

Return Team instance

Add a Player to a Team on the Main Server Scoreboard

Add a player to a team on the global scoreboard

Requires Player instance, String

Add a Player to a Specific Team

Add a player to a specific team

Requires Player instance, Team instance

Check if Player is in a Team on the Main Server Scoreboard

Check if the player is in a team on the global scoreboard

Requires Player instance, String

Return Boolean

Check if Player is in a Specific Team

Check if the player is in a specific team

Requires Player instance, Team instance

Return Boolean

Remove Player from a Team on the Main Server Scoreboard

Remove a player from a team on the global scoreboard

Requires Player instance, String

Remove Player from a Specific Team

Remove a player from a specific team

Requires Player instance, Team instance

Delete a Team from the Main Server Scoreboard

Delete a team from the global scoreboard

Requires String

Delete a Specific Team

Delete a specific team from the server

Requires Team instance

Get Team Color

Retrieve the color of the team. For color types, see Universal Color Typesopen in new window

Requires Team instance*

Return String

Get All Contents of the Team

Retrieve all entities within the team

Requires Team instance

Return List instance

Get Team Display Name

Retrieve the display name of the team

Requires Team instance

Return String

Get Team Tag Visibility Type

Retrieve the visibility type of the team’s tag above the head. For visibility types, see Tag Visibility Typesopen in new window

Requires Team instance

Return String

Get Team Name

Retrieve the name of the team

Requires Team instance

Return String

Get All Players in the Team

Retrieve all players in the team

Requires Team instance

Return List instance

Get Team Prefix

Retrieve the prefix of the team

Requires Team instance

Return String

Get Team Suffix

Retrieve the suffix of the team

Requires Team instance

Return String

Get Team's Scoreboard

Retrieve the scoreboard associated with the team

Requires Team instance

Return Scoreboard instance

Get Team Size

Retrieve the size of the team

Requires Team instance

Return Number

Set Friendly Fire within the Team

Set whether team members can attack each other (friendly fire)

Requires Team instance, Boolean

Set Team Visibility for Invisible Teammates

Set whether team members can see invisible teammates

Requires Team instance, Boolean

Set Team Color

Set the display color of the team. For color types, see Universal Color Typesopen in new window

Requires Team instance, String

Set Team Display Name

Set the display name of the team

Requires Team instance, String

Set Team Tag Visibility Type

Set the visibility type of the tag above the team members' heads. For visibility types, see Tag Visibility Typesopen in new window

Requires Team instance, String

Set Team Prefix

Set the prefix of the team

Requires Team instance, String

Set Team Suffix

Set the suffix of the team

Requires Team instance, String

Last Updated:
Contributors: SensenPlayer, TongHui