Boss Bar Component Method
Create BossBar
Create a BossBar instance
, allowing you to set title, color, type, progress, etc. Refer to the wiki for available types
. You can create variables to facilitate later use.
Requires four String
Return BossBar instance
Show and Remove BossBar
Display or remove a BossBar for the player
Requires Player instance
and BossBar instance
Set BossBar Progress
Set the progress bar of a BossBar instance
Requires Number
and BossBar instance
Set BossBar Visibility
When the boolean is false, the BossBar will disappear from the view of all players; conversely, when the boolean is true, the BossBar will reappear for players who can see it
Requires Boolean
and BossBar instance
Set BossBar Color
Set the color of the BossBar. Refer to BossBar Color Types
Requires a String
and BossBar instance
Set BossBar Type
Set the type of the BossBar. Refer to BossBar Types
Requires a String
and BossBar instance
Set BossBar Title
Set the title of the BossBar
Requires a String
and BossBar instance
Remove All Players from BossBar
After removal, all players will no longer see this BossBar. To make it visible again, you will need to re-add the players.
Requires a BossBar instance